We’re Free From The Goblins & So Is This Free Mint

2 min readJul 25, 2022

Media Alert: For Immediate Hurling

To whom it may concern, screw the goblins!!! We’re flying the coop & throwing poop with alchemist fire.


We are the Bastard Baboon Brigade. We are sick n’tired of the goblins getting EVERYTHING, like an NFT collection. We wanted one, too, so we are launching a free mint on the Polygon blockchain. Who wants to join the brigade and fling some shit and fire?!?


It’s a free mint of 2,727 Bastard Baboons. Pre-sale list registrants are entitled to one free Bastard Baboon mint (plus gas) per wallet. Every holder of a Bastard Baboon will be on the allowlist for The Glimmering genesis collection. Plus, every holder will get a free NFT airdrop of The Glimmering’s 1-shot tabletop roleplaying adventure, “A Dark and Stormy Night,” that introduces you to the world we come from. If you have a Glimmering adventurer player character, you can use your baboon for special tricks and risky powers in gameplay. But watch out, it might bite ya in the ass.

When & Where

On Friday, August 5, 2022, at 5 p.m. UTC, the free mint will take place on theglimmering.com. Pre-register to lock in your spot at premint.xyz.

Why: Here’s the flipping reality

In the world of The Glimmering, we Baboons have long been the pets of goblins. They domesticated us and then gave us alchemist fire. But the sons of bitches couldn’t leave well enough alone. They started giving us funny hairdos, nose piercings, and stupid fucking bandanas and hats.

Many of us have had enough. We’re breaking free from our overlords. Not all agree we should leave our Goblin owners, and those poor suckers started calling us “bastards” for leaving the troop.

Great, we’ll take it. We’re the Bastard Baboons. Who wants to join the brigade and fling some shit and fire? LFG 🔥💩

What is GRIPNR?

GRIPNR is the team that’s bringing tabletop roleplaying games to the blockchain, starting with their first game world, The Glimmering.

Media Contact

Maggie Robert, a friend of the baboons, maggie@gripnr.com




GRIPNR is bringing tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) to the blockchain. We are launching our first campaign called The Glimmering in March 2023.